Make your own kickstand

First off I have the VZW holster/case combo for my DI.

Then I purchased the Body Glove kickstand for a whopping $1.98  + shipping

Then, using a hacksaw blade, I cut the kickstand portion to separate it from the swivel belt clip (which is not needed). I carefully aligned the kickstand to the backside of the case (camera lens side) and, using a pencil, marked where the kickstand would be attached. Using a tiny bit of super glue on both upper and lower edges of the backside of the kickstand, I pressed it into place, held it in position for 30 seconds and then set it aside for a few minutes for the glue to set. It slides in and out of the case and does not interfere or add bulk to either the phone or the case. The kickstand works in either landscape or portrait and "clicks" (locks) exactly the same as the factory Body Glove does. I made one for my Eris and now one for my Incredible. It's never broken off and I use it constantly with no problems at all. People ask me where I got this cool holster/case combo with the kickstand. I tell them I made it. Total time to make it: 10 minutes...Total cost: $1.98 + shipping.